31 May 2012

Design Consultant Spotlight: Kaleena Hall

Kaleena Hall joined the LexiWynn team in January of 2012. 

Kaleena was first exposed to LexiWynn when she was working as an independent sales consultant for a beauty company.  Both her beauty company and LexiWynn participated in a Christmas boutique/fundraiser where she was placed next to Alexa who was showing some of our handbags.  She later told us that she could see how excited people were to see the bags.  While she wasn’t able to stop by the booth herself, she could not stop thinking about the bags and how much she wanted one of her own.  

She began hearing about a custom handbag company that a friend of hers was working for.  Her friend would post pictures online and the more pictures Kaleena saw, the more she wanted to know how she too could design a bag for herself.  As she began browsing the website, it dawned on her – these LexiWynn bags were the ones that she had seen back in Illinois at the Christmas fundraiser.  The more she visited the website, the more interested she became in our company and bags.  The “Join Our Team” link popped out at her every time she logged on, but she brushed it to the side.  She was nervous about asking what “joining the team” meant - she had been part of an at home direct selling company before and the pressure to sell and be better than others made her never want to do it again.  However, she prayed about it and felt as though it was what she was supposed to do.  She eventually filled out the form.

Kaleena got in contact with Seth and we shared with each other a bit each other and a little about LexiWynn.  We outlined where we saw LexiWynn going in the future and what type of people we hoped would work for them.  Kaleena's hesitations seemed to be put at ease and she became very enthusiastic about joining our team.  We are so grateful for the time and energy that she has put into LexiWynn!

If you live in the Southern California area and would like to make a bag of your own or host a purse party, feel free to contact her at kaleena@lexiwynn.com.

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